Type | Count |
Journal papers | 4 |
Conference papers | 45 |
Workshop papers | 13 |
Extended abstracts | 4 |
Edited volumes | 1 |
Technical reports | 1 |
Non-refereed articles | 9 |
Supervision / committees
Type | Count |
PhD thesis | 3 |
PhD committees | 4 |
MSc/MA/MEd thesis | 14 |
MSc independent study | 5 |
MSc/MA committees | 13 |
BSc thesis / final project | 9 |
BSc independent study | 5 |
MSc/BSc - The Icelandic Student Innovation Fund | 6 |
Name | Count | Level |
Programming | 12 | BSc |
Programming Languages | 11 | BSc |
Natural Language Processing | 9 | MSc |
Compilers | 7 | BSc |
Data Structures | 5 | BSc |
App Development | 2 | BSc |
Web Mining | 2 | MSc |
Computer Graphics | 2 | BSc |
Introduction to Natural Language Processing | 1 | BSc |